listening to: Spring Awakening. oh wait, now it changed to Idina Menzel. I totally love her.
obsession of the moment: raspberry iced tea
obsession of the moment: raspberry iced tea
Huzzah to frequent posting! Anywho, I have obtained some pictures of me and my bizarre friends at Sarah's party from Facebook. Woo!
So last week was my friend Sarah's birthday and yesterday a bunch of us went over to celebrate, which consisted of overdosing on guacamole (the spell check just corrected me. I thought it was spelled guccimolli) and dressing up like drag queens...which kind of failed miserably because none of us looked anything like drag queens. We ended up looking like a bunch of misfit strumpets. But whatever, I totally love my friends.
So, we eventually we got a little restless from eating chips and guacamole & rootbeer floats (well, not together) and watching wizard rock videos via Youtube, so we decided to walk/bike/scooter/rollerblade/ride in a wheelbarrel to our friend Kevin's house who live's X miles away.
Then came the arbitrary makeovers.
[me in my strumpet attire. somehow I managed to squeeze into
an xs belly shirt intended for a five year old. why on earth
would a five year old need that? but I love the hat]
So that is a typical day in live of me and my insane friends. Like I said, they're crazy, but I love
them. I'm too tired to talk anymore. Or spell guacamole anymore times. G'night.
Peace, Love & RENT

So last week was my friend Sarah's birthday and yesterday a bunch of us went over to celebrate, which consisted of overdosing on guacamole (the spell check just corrected me. I thought it was spelled guccimolli) and dressing up like drag queens...which kind of failed miserably because none of us looked anything like drag queens. We ended up looking like a bunch of misfit strumpets. But whatever, I totally love my friends.
So, we eventually we got a little restless from eating chips and guacamole & rootbeer floats (well, not together) and watching wizard rock videos via Youtube, so we decided to walk/bike/scooter/rollerblade/ride in a wheelbarrel to our friend Kevin's house who live's X miles away.
We never made it to Kevin's. We got sort of lost/distracted/tired. And we didn't exactly know where he lived. So we all made it back in one piece, or I guess six separate but whole pieces. But we told Kevin we were outside his house, and he totally believed us.
Then came the arbitrary makeovers.

an xs belly shirt intended for a five year old. why on earth
would a five year old need that? but I love the hat]
them. I'm too tired to talk anymore. Or spell guacamole anymore times. G'night.
Peace, Love & RENT

Hahaha, the pictures are great. Too bad you never got to Kevin's!
Guacamole was a spelling word! I know how to spell it ;D
Hey cool blog:) please read mine.
Yep! I'm (half) an aunt three times :]
And hahaha no way would I talk to the emo kids. The girl was giving me the death stare practically the whole time.
And yeah, this month has been GORGEOUS so far, it's completely against the laws of nature.
I dunno... I think I did okay on the chem test. Hopefully... cause I need to raise my grade extremely badly.
thanks :) i like your blog, and it sounds like you had a lot of fun, too bad you never got to kevin's, but at least you got to creep him out. :) and no matter how many times i type 'guacamole' (hah, i had to copy and paste it(;) i still dont think id be able to spell it correctly.
Thanks :) I hope so too. I'll take a mental health day if I have to one of these days.
I wish I was a theater dork, but unfortunately the stage frightens the daylight out of me :/. So I'm guessing you're in Beauty and the Beast, if so, what part are you playing?
Hah! :) I love the pictures. It looks like you all had a good time. Nice attire :D, you look fabulous. You guys had some pretty interesting methods of transportation during your attempt to get to Kevin's :P.
nice post!!! party..sounds like fun!!!! ha ha. nice blog! :)
When I was little, I used to call guacamole "walking-dockly." I don't think anyone knows how to spell it, honestly.
The drag queen idea is brilliant. I've never heard of anything like it. Sounds fun :)
Idina Menzel's voice is inspirational :D, and raspberry iced tea is a great obsession. It looks like you and your friends had a stellar time.. the way you edited your first picture is really cool!
Ahh, cool :). I'd bet being the villain would be wicked cool. Especially if you're older, terrorizing the little ones, hahaha. I skimmed down the previous post---and :O HAMBURGERS IN A VENDING MACHINE?!? What is the world coming to? That's just out of control. Oh and trust me, I would fit in on your bowling team perfectly, haha. I'm a gutterball pro.
Have a good weekend Annie :D.
Hah, wow. That's crazy how you guys have your own laptops.. :P. Pretty intense. Alot of our desk/chairs are connected, it's annoying. Atleast they're not wooden I suppose. I hate how schools don't think they need to be air-conditioned >:[. It gets pretty hot in those rooms during the warmer months.
Have a nice weekend :).
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